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A diverse group of people poses for a photo in front of a booth with a sign that reads "Jordan Source: A Perfect Home for Your Business" at SXSW. The background reveals other booths and displays within the bustling, large indoor venue.

Estarta Attends SXSW Event

The CEO of Estarta, Mutaz H. Nabulsi, attended this year’s SXSW event in Austin, Texas. SXSW is one of the most prestigious annual IT events that is held in the world. As it were, the event took place from March 12th through the 15th.

This is an especially important milestone for Estarta as a company! Thus, it was one of the first companies to represent the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, as well as the Arab world!

Besides being the first official SXSW participation by an Arab nation, this circumstance was also very important for Estarta specifically. So, it was a fantastic platform for the organization to show off its most recent goods and services, connect with business titans, exchange insightful information, and, most importantly, highlight Jordan’s ICT prowess on a worldwide scale.

Estarta also believes it is highly crucial to showcase itself as a multinational company that is predicated on brilliant young Jordanian minds.

There has been a lot of buzz pertaining to this year’s event, especially on various social media channels. Hence, the trip has proven itself to be a massive success. Stay tuned to find out how Estarta is making history!

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