A4SADAD – Estarta Solutions for Seamless SADAD Integration

Estarta proudly offers A4SADAD, a powerful solution tailored to meet the growing demand for integration with the Saudi Arabian billing network, SADAD.
Estarta at UN Women Training

Estarta attended the insightful and informative two-day conference in the Dead Sea, focusing on Gender Responsive Marketing Training for WEPs Signatories in Jordan.
Estarta at ITMT 2024

The Estarta Poland team went to the IT Manager of Tomorrow 2024 (ITMT 2024) conference in Gdynia. This meeting was put together by Conlea, our business partner.
Hemmeh 8 – Estarta Celebrating Excellence

Are you unsure about why you should join Estarta’s expanding team? There are tons of amazing advantages to being an Estartan.
Estarta’s CSR Initiative in Ramadan

With a strong dedication to making a positive impact in the community, Estarta has outlined an extensive Ramadan agenda.
International Women’s Day 2024 at Estarta

In homage to International Women’s Day 2024, Estarta made the decision to recognize and celebrate the indispensable contributions made by its female employees.
SheTechs Forum – Estarta Success Stories

On Tuesday, February 27, int@j organized and hosted the SheTechs forum, which Estarta had the pleasure to attend under the esteemed patronage of HRH Princess Sumaya.
Estarta KSA – Strong Presence Expands in Saudi Arabia

Estarta is making waves with its robust expansion in Saudi Arabia. The Kingdom’s market is proving to be a strategic hub for Estarta’s growth.
TECHWAVE – Estarta Attends Workshop

Estarta just attended a workshop hosted by His Excellency, Minister of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship, Ahmad Hanandeh, at the Amman Rotana Hotel.
Estarta Egypt Expansion in Cairo

Estarta Egypt is seeing notable growth with the expansion of its operations in Cairo ! This expansion denotes the company’s commitment to innovation.