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Work life balance

Work-Life Balance at Estarta

Promoting a positive work-life balance for workers is a top priority for Estarta! Our organization has put in place a number of efforts to enhance work-life balance since we understand how important employee well-being and productivity are.

Most Estartans work a hybrid work week. This goes to show that Estarta, as a whole, values productivity and employee satisfaction over traditional organizational standards.

Work life balance

Work Life Balance Initiatives

Estarta also recognizes the advantages of working remotely. The organization helps decrease commute times and delivers a more cozy and pleasant work environment by allowing employees to work from home.

Estarta runs wellness initiatives like yoga sessions, therapy workshops, and stress-management seminars to promote a positive work environment. These programs seek to improve the physical and emotional health of workers.

Overall, Estarta’s attention to work-life balance is a reflection of its commitment to the fulfillment and happiness of its employees, which eventually results in a more motivated and effective workforce.

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